Personal account
Invest in crypto-assets with a personal account. Discover our wide range of products and invest in a way that suits you.
At Amdax, you can invest in crypto-assets in a way that fits your preferences. Invest independently, periodically, or leave it to our experts.
Have questions? You can always call, email, or reach us via chat. You’re also welcome to visit our office in Amsterdam.
Since our founding, we have been leaders in regulatory compliance. We were the first crypto service provider registered with De Nederlandsche Bank and the first in the EU to complete the ISAE3000 Type-1 audit.
Download our app or open an account via the My Amdax environment. Complete the onboarding process in just a few minutes and start investing. Choose to invest independently, set up a periodic investment plan, or make an appointment with one of our experts.
Please note: Investing in crypto involves risks. You may lose all or a part of your investment. Please be aware of this.
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